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Faeries Oracle

11 - The Singer of Transfiguration

Transformation. Transcendence. Metamorphosis.

The Singer of Transfiguration tells us that we have been through the gate, we have passed through the initiation process, and we have reached a new way of being, reflecting deep transformation within ourselves. Things will never again be what they once were.
Things will never be seen in the same way by us, and this is a good thing! This Singer's joyful, passionate, bright blaze of color heralds a time of fulfillment and accomplishment.

As with the other Singers, the power and joy of this one radiates especially strongly to the things and beings symbolized by the cards around it. Like the reborn, renewed phoenix, this Singer is aflame with vibrant, expanded life.

There really isn't much I can say about this - not even the faeries seem to have anything to add. They are just sitting around here, smiling blissfully, even ol' G. Doom, and humming an ethereal and beautiful melody. And the cat in my lap, Sylvie, is purring so loudly it sounds like she is singing - as indeed she is. So are we all.

Starter Reading

Jackpot! This card in a reading signifies the joy of success after a time of struggle. A new way of life has been accepted and is being integrated. A sense of inner peace is growing. The struggle has all been worth it. This is a time of consolidation and joy, and is both a reward for past achievements and a time of preparation for the next climb up the path.


Even reversed, this card simply suggests that the realization or completion of this process is just around the corner. Enjoy!

The Singers of the Realms